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Courses available for Free Trial

These are all courses you can take for your free trial account.

Showing 101–120 of 138 courses

This article explores buprenorphine treatment and a stepped care model. Although counseling is a required part of office-based buprenorphine treatment of opioid use disorders, the nature of what constitutes appropriate...  Read More

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Nowadays, gambling disorder (GD) is a worldwide health issue and there is a growing need to both improve our understanding of this disorder and to tailor specific interventions for its...  Read More

No Cost Materials

Reading-Based Online
This article reports the findings of an Australian population-based cross-sectional investigation of bereavement experiences. The palliative community recommends the development of a compassionate community approach. The aim of this article...  Read More

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This course examines the universal implementation of SBIRT for adolescent alcohol and/or drug users in a school setting. It includes: community partners and school recruitment, screener selection, training and quality...  Read More

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Reading-Based Online

Feedback-informed Treatment Versus Usual Psychological Treatment for Depression and Anxiety 1 credit

A multisite, open-label, cluster randomised controlled trial

Outcome feedback uses routine monitoring of a client's progress with treatment goals as compared to a normative treatment sample. Past research has demonstrated benefits to using outcome feedback to adjust...  Read More

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Reading-Based Online
This course is a systemic review of international studies of cognitive behavioral group therapy for male perpetrators of intimate partner violence. It includes some studies of individual CBT, participants in...  Read More

No Cost Materials

Reading-Based Online
Past research has shown some evidence that active military clinical populations have poorer treatment outcomes for PTSD than civilian populations. This is a meta-analytic study aimed at studying differences in...  Read More

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Reading-Based Online

Sleep and PTSD in the Military Forces 1 credit

A Reciprocal Relationship and a Psychiatric Approach

This course focuses on a review that updates knowledge regarding the relationship between sleep during deployment, combat-related trauma, and PTSD in military personnel. A lot of data suggest a dynamic...  Read More

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Reading-Based Online
Comorbid Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) increases the already high symptom burden of patients with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD). As the gold standard for BPD treatment, Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), does...  Read More

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This article reviews the meta-analysis of studies on EMDR for depression. The articles looks at outcome measurements as well as quality of the studies included in the analysis. Suggestions are...  Read More

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Reading-Based Online
More than 450,000 women veterans used Veterans Health Administration (VHA) services during 2015 alone. Despite effort to improve care for women veterans, many disparities still exist. Of particular concern are...  Read More

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Reading-Based Online
Child physical abuse is an issue of global concern. Syntheses of the evidence on parenting programs for reducing rates of physical abuse recidivism have, to date, not been able to...  Read More

No Cost Materials

Reading-Based Online
Insomnia is a prevalent and debilitating disorder among veterans. Cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia (CBTI) can be effective for treating insomnia, although many cannot access this care. Technology-based solutions and...  Read More

No Cost Materials

Reading-Based Online
Individual differences in cognitive processes and coping behaviors play a role in the development and maintenance of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Given the large numbers of combat-exposed service members returning...  Read More

No Cost Materials

Reading-Based Online

Longer-term Effectiveness of Systemic Family Therapy for Young People After Self-harm 1 credit

An extended follow up of pragmatic randomised controlled trial

Self-harm in adolescents is a significant global mental health problem and it tends to be a repeated problem. A single effective intervention strategy has not been identified. This course is...  Read More

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Reading-Based Online
Older age and medical comorbidity are factors associated with more severe illness and risk of death due to COVID-19 infection. Social distancing is an important public health strategy for controlling...  Read More

No Cost Materials

Reading-Based Online
This intermediate and above level course is tailored for counselors, marriage and family therapists, psychologists, and social workers seeking to enhance their expertise in addressing substance use disorders (SUD) among...  Read More

No Cost Materials

Reading-Based Online
This course examines demographic trends in cannabis use in the older adult population through the use of geriatric epidemiology. Cannabis use in on the rise in a population with existing...  Read More

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Reading-Based Online
This course looks at bereavement care practices of palliative service providers. Surveys of bereaved family caregivers reveals that individuals believe they need more or different services than they received. Key...  Read More

No Cost Materials

Reading-Based Online

The Hummingbird Project 1 credit

A Positive Psychology Intervention for Secondary School Students

The Hummingbird Project is a Positive Psychology Intervention (PPI). This course will review a research article describing the background, history, rationale, description, methodology, and effectiveness of PPIs in school settings....  Read More

No Cost Materials

Reading-Based Online

Showing 101–120 of 138 courses

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