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Courses meeting New Jersey Requirement: Social And Cultural Competence

Showing 21–40 of 59 courses

This training will provide participants a learning opportunity to move forward with an understanding of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion and how it intersects with Trauma-Informed Care. Most have had training...  Read More

Material Cost $30 free with Unlimited CE Membership Learn More

Recorded Webinar
The purpose of this study is to examine the associations between movement behaviors, loneliness, and sadness within Alaskan adolescents. Specifically, associations between meeting recommendations for movement behaviors with loneliness and...  Read More

No Cost Materials

Reading-Based Online
This course reviews two articles that examine the use of Motivational Interviewing with American Indian and Alaskan Native youths. One looks at Motivational Interviewing (MI) has a treatment modality that...  Read More

No Cost Materials

Reading-Based Online
Physical and Mental health professionals cannot ignore the impact that various forms of bias play into the barriers to and disparities experience in the delivery of care. For instance, the...  Read More

Material Cost $30 free with Unlimited CE Membership Learn More

Recorded Webinar

Psychiatric Disorders Among Older Black Americans 1.5 credits

Within- and Between-Group Differences

Psychiatric disorders impose significant personal, social, and financial costs for individuals, families, and the nation. Despite a large amount of research and several journals focused on psychiatric conditions, there is...  Read More

No Cost Materials

Reading-Based Online
The authors of this study recognize the need for cognitive-behavioral therapy strategies to be available to many members of the LGBTQA+ community who may not have access to in-person therapy...  Read More

No Cost Materials

Reading-Based Online
Past research has indicated that BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color) transgender individuals experience higher psychological distress than their majority culture peers. This is a quantitative research study that compares...  Read More

No Cost Materials

Reading-Based Online
The first study explores the lived experiences of suicide risk and resilience among Alaska Native and American Indian (AN/AI) people in a tribal health system, while the second study provides...  Read More

No Cost Materials

Reading-Based Online
Research on sexual/gender minority adolescents is lacking a critical piece of information regarding interventions for improving minority stress. These researchers designed a program, Proud & Empowered (P & E), to...  Read More

No Cost Materials

Reading-Based Online
Early-onset substance use is a risk factor for poor long-term outcomes. Indigenous youth are more likely to engage in early-onset substance use than non-Indigenous peers. Therefore, culturally-appropriate prevention programs are...  Read More

No Cost Materials

Reading-Based Online
The course examines cultural competence in behavioral and substance abuse treatment in American Indian and Alaska Native populations. This course includes several case histories in the form of story-based vignettes...  Read More

No Cost Materials

Reading-Based Online
This training will explore the link between intergenerational and current trauma to individuals and communities interfacing with social service systems. Participants will be introduced to the connection between developmental trauma...  Read More

Material Cost $30 free with Unlimited CE Membership Learn More

Recorded Webinar

Minority Stress, Distress, and Suicide Attempts 1.5 credits

Three Cohorts of Sexual Minority Adults: a U.S. Probability Sample

Because LGBTQ+ issues and populations have become more accepted in the general public than in the past, researchers have wondered about the differences between age cohorts relative to social stressors...  Read More

No Cost Materials

Reading-Based Online
While previous studies have focused on several aspects of the lives of transgender people, there is a gap of research regarding the risk of substance use in people who identify...  Read More

No Cost Materials

Reading-Based Online

Brief Online Interventions for LGBTQ Young Adult Mental and Behavioral Health 1.5 credits

A Randomized Controlled Trial in a High-Stigma, Low-Resource Context

It is often difficult for LGBTQ youths to obtain quality community resources in rural areas where LGBTQ stigma is high. This quantitative study explores the influence of self-guided online writing...  Read More

No Cost Materials

Reading-Based Online

Adapting Clinical Skills to Telehealth With LGBTQ+ Youth 1 credit

Applications of Affirmative Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy

Marginalized populations, such as LGBTQ+ youth, continue to have behavioral health needs and may lack access to behavioral health resources. The COVID-19 pandemic complicates the behavioral health needs of LGBTQ+...  Read More

No Cost Materials

Reading-Based Online

Effective Brief Interventions for American Indian Youth At Risk for Suicide 1 credit

Evaluating the Impact with a Sequential Multiple Assignment Randomized Trial (SMART)

The primary aim of this study was to evaluate which brief interventions, alone or in combination, have the greater effect on suicide ideation (primary outcome) and resilience (secondary outcome) among...  Read More

No Cost Materials

Reading-Based Online
The study comprising this course’s material is an article investigating the documented over-representation of autism in transgender populations and high rate of gender variance in autistic populations, and most importantly...  Read More

No Cost Materials

Reading-Based Online
Research on the needs and effective treatment options available to transgender individuals with substance use problems is scarce. This article is a systematic review of the available literature on necessary...  Read More

No Cost Materials

Reading-Based Online
Past research has shown differences between the rates of eating disorders between two groups—sexual/gender minority individuals and cisgender heterosexual individuals. This quantitative research study aims to test hypotheses regarding presenting...  Read More

No Cost Materials

Reading-Based Online

Showing 21–40 of 59 courses

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