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A Blueprint for Parenting Children Ages 0 to 7: A Foundation for Good Mental Health

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About the Course

This is an informative and engaging course that is research-based and provides real-life examples. You will learn how to teach your clients how to have an easier and less stressful parenting experience. This course is appropriate for mental health professionals at all levels, as well as their clients.

Four expert speakers address the following topics:

  • How prevention of mental illness begins with the elimination of inferior parenting practices. Prevention rather than a band aid approach can be the new paradigm for healthy societies.
  • Why secure & insecure attachment affects entire adult relationships.
  • Effective ways of supporting the emotional health & well being of a child.
  • How men & women experience the world of relationships very differently due to biological brain differences.
  • Ways in which technology affects the brain of a child and how to apply healthy strategies around children & technology.

**This course is based on the recorded webinar, A Blueprint for Parenting Children Ages 0 to 7: A Foundation for Good Mental Health created by Michelle Jensen
, David Bones, Dennis Morrow
, and Rodrigo Magdaluyo in 2021.**

Publication Date:

May 2018, Updated 2021

Course Material Authors

Course Material Authors authored the material only, and were not involved in creating this CE course. They are identified here for your own evaluation of the relevancy of the material this course is based on.

Michelle Jensen

Michelle Jensen has a diverse background encompassing a variety of experience teaching, creating, and implementing programs from 1975 to 1978 for two Girls Clubs in Santa Barbara, CA, including serving as the Teen Director of the Goleta Valley Girls club. She was also the creator of the first Career Development program for teen girls at that club. She has worked extensively with communities to establish rapport and working relationships with service and business agencies who complement one another. After her son was born in 1990, she produced and published a workbook on self-esteem called "Evolution of the Self," by psychologist Dr. Clarise Blanchard. Through games and exercises, new parents and teachers can help to bring fresh consciousness to the child's spirit as they have much to teach us. Michelle also co-authored with Charlaine Froide "The Effective Guide to Parenting." After receiving her Master's Degree in Psychology with an emphasis on Parenting, she has worked extensively with parents in many areas, including Child Development, Grief/Loss, and Single Parenting issues. Through her experience and extensive research, she has determined that prevention is the key to helping many people. Michelle started The Parent Resource Center, LLC in 2004 and has been counseling, creating parent programs, and helping parents with their personal growth issues ever since. The latest Parent Training is called "A Blueprint for Parenting Children ages 0 to 7". This 2018 video is for parents as well as for counselors, marriage and family therapists, parent educators, and group facilitators.

David Bones

David Bones is a Parenting Educator and Mental Health Specialist who has worked with Non Profit agencies for the past 39 years. His work includes:  Education Department Director of Planned Parenthood of Omaha/Council Bluffs;  Mental Health Specialist at Eastside Counseling Center, Wenatchee Washington, Skills Trainer for Jackson County Mental Health; Parenting Educator for The Oregon Department of Health and Human Services; and he currently is the CEO of New Beginnings Parenting Enhancement Program, LLC.

Dennis Morrow

As a Licensed Professional Counselor for over 30 years and Executive Director for Janus Youth Programs, Inc. since 1980, Dennis has developed many counselor and training programs, including: Basic Counseling Skills; Advanced Counseling Skills; Parents-In-Charge; Adult Odyssey (impact of race and gender on the therapeutic relationship); Relationships and Addiction; Men and Addiction; Boys will be Men; Male Gender Specific Treatment for Boys. In 2012 he released the Male Box DVD: A Journey into a Deeper Understanding of Boys and Men, a DVD designed for use in training counselors/teachers/mentors working with teenage boys and adult males as well as a male gender-specific group curriculum. His most recent DVD of parenting is included in the Parent Resource Center LLC training "A Blueprint for Parenting Children from 0 to 7." In 2009, Dennis was recognized by the University of Portland's Pamplin School of Business for Outstanding Contributions to the Division of Public Administration. As a working manager and a parent of eight adopted children, Dennis tends to focus on concrete strategies and techniques which can be directly applied for even the most complex organizational/human dynamics.

Rodrigo Magdaluyo

Rod Magdaluyo is what you'd affectionately call a computer nerd or technology geek.  He got his first computer (a TI-994/A) in middle school, back before home PCs were even available.  Things snowballed from that time forward.  His love of technology let him to exercise his talents as a writer, a screenwriter, and then a filmmaker.  This final phase of knowledge has let him into even more expertise of tech, such as cameras, lighting, film editing, and producing.  In the meantime, he also is part owner of a small website design company, doing web and app design.  These days you can find him running the lighting system at his church and keeping up with the evolving technology market. Rod is a father of 3 girls, and has the challenge of trying to raise them in an ever more connected and digital society.  He has written a guide book for parents called "You're getting your first phone" to help parents teach their children about the risks, rewards, and responsibilities of cell phones.

Recommended For:

This multimedia presentation is for counselors, psychologists, teachers, and marriage and family therapists who want to increase the success of their clients in raising emotionally and mentally stable children, ages zero to seven. This content is at the beginner level.

Course Objectives:

After taking this course, you should be able to:

  1. Learn the origins of criminal behaviors in society due to severe detachment in infancy & early childhood.
  2. Discover how prevention of mental illness begins with the elimination of inferior parenting practices. Prevention rather than a band aid approach can be the new paradigm for healthy societies.
  3. Demonstrate how secure & insecure attachment affects entire adult relationships.
  4. Understand how to support the emotional health & well being of a child.
  5. Observe how men & women experience the world of relationships very differently due to biological brain differences.
  6. Identify how technology affects the brain of a child and discover healthy strategies around children & technology

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CE Learning Systems adheres to the ACCME's Standards for Integrity and Independence in Accredited Continuing Medical Education. Any individuals in a position to control the content of a CE activity – including faculty, planners, reviewers, or others ― are required to disclose all relevant financial relationships with ineligible entities (formerly known as commercial interests).

The following relevant financial relationships have been disclosed by this activity's planners, faculty, and the reviewer:

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The planners of this activity have reported that they have no relevant financial relationships.

Material Authors

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Course Retired
Course Number 102280
5 CE credit hours
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  • Recorded Webinar
Exam Fee $29.85
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Course Materials $49.95

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