- NBCC 5951
40 CE credit hours required every 2 years — 15 may be earned with CE-Credit.com.
Applies To:
- Utah Marriage & Family Therapists
CE-Credit.com’s distant learning courses are available for continuing education credit for MFT’s, as set forth by the Utah Division of Occupational and Professional Licensing (MFTs).
During each two year period commencing October 1st of each even numbered year, a marriage and family therapist shall be required to complete not fewer than 40 hours of continuing education directly related to the licensee’s professional practice of which: Must have completed at least 40 hours of continuing education: 15 hours must be directly related to marriage and family therapy 6 hours shall be in ethics/law of which 3 specific to marriage and family ethics/law. 2 hours in suicide preventionContinuing education under this section shall: (a) be relevant to the licensee’s professional practice; (b) be prepared and presented by individuals who are qualified by education, training, and experience to provide continuing education relevant to the practice of a mental health therapist; and © have a method of verification of attendance and completion.
(5) Credit for continuing education shall be recognized in accordance with the following: (a) unlimited hours shall be recognized for continuing education completed in blocks of time of not less than one hour in formally established classroom courses, seminars, or conferences which meet the criteria listed in Subsection (4) above, and which are approved by, conducted by, or under the sponsorship of universities, colleges or professional associations, societies and organizations representing a licensed profession whose program objectives relate to the practice of mental health therapy; (b) a maximum of 14 hours per two year period may be recognized for: (i) teaching courses under Subsection (5)(a); or (ii) supervision of an individual completing the experience requirement for licensure as a mental health therapist; © a maximum of 15 hours per two year period may be recognized for clinical readings, internet or distance learning courses directly related to practice as a mental health therapist; and (d) a maximum of two hours per two year period may be for continuing education from the Division of Occupational and Professional Licensing
CE-Credit.com, a service of CE Learning Systems maintains responsibility for the courses.
CE Learning Systems has been approved by NBCC as an Approved Continuing Education Provider, ACEP No. 5951. Programs that do not qualify for NBCC credit are clearly identified. CE Learning Systems is solely responsible for all aspects of the programs.
CE-Credit.com is a service division of CE Learning Systems.
Board Contact Info
Utah Division of Occupational and Professional Licensing
Phone: 801-530-6179
Suicide Prevention, 2.00 CE credit hours
CE-Credit.com offers 30 courses applicable to this requirement.
103576: The Co-occurrence of Self-Harm and Aggression, 1.5 CE credit hour - 103569: Psychosocial Interventions for Self-harm in Adults, 8 CE credit hours
- 103513: Suicide and Suicidality in Somatic Symptom and Related Disorders: A Systematic Review, 1 CE credit hour
- 103462: National Guidelines for Child and Youth Behavioral Health Crisis Care, 2.75 CE credit hours
- 103445: Adolescent Suicide—Understanding Unique Risks and Opportunities for Trauma Centers to Recognize, Intervene, and Prevent a Leading Cause of Death, 1 CE credit hour
- View All 30 Courses
Ethics, 3.00 CE credit hours
CE-Credit.com offers 27 courses applicable to this requirement.
103483: Therapist Self-disclosure, Countertransference, and Self Care in the Current Work Environment, 3 CE credit hours - 103472: Termination and Abandonment: Best Ethical Practices for Clinicians, 3 CE credit hours
- 103447: The Interplay of Ethics & Motivational Interviewing!, 3 CE credit hours
- 103438: Ethical Challenges in Mental Health Practice Presented by the Use of Technology, 3 CE credit hours
- 103386: Spirituality, Diversity, and Ethical Decision-Making: The Inclusive Wesleyan Quadrilateral Discernment Model, 1 CE credit hour
- View All 27 Courses
MFT specific ethics, 3.00 CE credit hours
CE-Credit.com offers 1 course applicable to this requirement.
103436: Clinical Supervision for Those Who Work With Couples and Families, 3 CE credit hours
MFT specific courses, 15.00 CE credit hours
CE-Credit.com offers 8 courses applicable to this requirement.
103241: Longer-term Effectiveness of Systemic Family Therapy for Young People After Self-harm, 1 CE credit hour - 103084: Dialogue Therapy for Couples and Real Dialogue for Opposing Sides, 3 CE credit hours
- 103050: Doing Couple Therapy, 14 CE credit hours
- 103021: The Heart of Couple Therapy, 16 CE credit hours
- 103000: Motivational Interviewing With Couples-A Theoretical Framework for Clinical Practice Illustrated in Substance Use and HIV Prevention Intervention With Gay Male Couples, 1.75 CE credit hour
- View All 8 Courses
Course Description | Medium |
Ethical Challenges in Reporting Across the Lifespan: Child Abuse, Intimate Partner Violence and Elder Abuse
3 CE credit hours
Ethics; Domestic Violence; Ethics; Application to Practice; Family/Couple; Aging, Long Term Care; Professional Readiness |
Reading-Based Online |
Reasons for Suicide in Black Young Adults: A Latent Class Analysis
1.5 CE credit hour
Cultural Diversity; Suicide; Cultural & Racial Diversity; Application to Practice |
Reading-Based Online |
Effectiveness of Therapeutic Gardens for People With Dementia: A Systemic Review
2 CE credit hours
Clinical Topics & Methods; Aging, Long Term Care |
Reading-Based Online |
Clearing the Fog: Recognizing, Understanding, and Protecting Against Gaslighting
3 CE credit hours
Clinical Topics & Methods |
Recorded Webinar |
Bridging Divides: Coming Home to Belonging
3 CE credit hours
Clinical Topics & Methods |
Recorded Webinar |
From Rupture to Repair: How Nervous System Regulation Can Support Trauma Recovery
6 CE credit hours
Counseling (Theory and Techniques); Clinical Topics & Methods |
Recorded Webinar |
ADHD in Adulthood: Supporting Adults With ADHD and Their Loved Ones
3 CE credit hours
Clinical Topics & Methods; Clinical Disorders (Adult) |
Recorded Webinar |
Addiction Substitution and Concurrent Recovery in Gambling Disorder:: Who Substitutes and Why?
1.5 CE credit hour
Addictions, Substance Use; Relapse and Recovery Strategies; Understanding Addiction; Treatment Planning |
Reading-Based Online |
Examination of the Problem Gambling Severity Index for Use With Older Adults:: A Rasch Model Approach
1.25 CE credit hour
Addictions, Substance Use; Assessment; Clinical Evaluation |
Reading-Based Online |
A Scoping Review of the Individual, Socio-cultural, Environmental and Commercial Determinants of Gambling for Older Adults:: Implications for Public Health Research and Harm Prevention
1.25 CE credit hour
Addictions, Substance Use; Understanding Addiction; Prevention; Gambling |
Reading-Based Online |