- 50-315
25 CE credit hours required every 2 years — 25 may be earned with CE-Credit.com.
Applies To:
- Michigan Nurses

At least 2 of these hours must be in pain and pain symptom management.
No more than 12 credit hours may be earned during a 24-hour period.
A new rule was added to the Public Health Code – General Rules. The rule defines implicit bias as “an attitude or internalized stereotype that affects an individual’s
perception, action, or decision making in an unconscious manner and often contributes to unequal treatment of people based on race, ethnicity, nationality, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion, socioeconomic status, age, disability, or other characteristic. Rule 338.7001©. This course may be taken live or as a recorded webinar.
Training on Implicit Bias is required as a condition for initial licensure or registration as well as license or registration renewal. This training is in addition to any continuing education training required for your profession. Unlike the human trafficking training requirement, this is not a “one time” training. Implicit Bias training is required every time you renew your license.
Board Contact Info
Michigan Board of Nursing
Ottawa Building
611 West Ottawa Street, 1st Floor
Lansing, MI 48933
(517) 335-0918
Implicit Bias, 1.00 CE credit hour
CE-Credit.com offers 1 course applicable to this requirement.
103253: Implicit Bias Training: Increasing Understanding Towards Reducing Barriers and Disparities in Access to and Delivery of Physical and Mental Health Care Services, 3 CE credit hours
Pain and pain symptom management, 2.00 CE credit hours
We do not currently offer courses to fulfill this requirement.
Course Description | Medium |
Compassionate Care - Going the Extra Mile: Sex Trafficking Survivors' Recommendations for Healthcare Best Practices
2 CE credit hours
Sexual Abuse |
Reading-Based Online |
Adolescent Suicide—Understanding Unique Risks and Opportunities for Trauma Centers to Recognize, Intervene, and Prevent a Leading Cause of Death
1 CE credit hour
Children and Adolescents; Suicide |
Reading-Based Online |
Human Trafficking
3 CE credit hours
Sexual Abuse; Clinical Topics & Methods; Forensic, Criminal Justice; Application to Practice; Peer Recovery |
Recorded Webinar |
Implicit Bias Training: Increasing Understanding Towards Reducing Barriers and Disparities in Access to and Delivery of Physical and Mental Health Care Services
3 CE credit hours
Clinical Topics & Methods; Cultural & Racial Diversity; Cultural Diversity; Application to Practice; Peer Recovery; Prevention |
Recorded Webinar |
Advanced Ethical Issues for Mandated Reporters of Child Maltreatment: Meets ethics requirement for NY Psychologists
3 CE credit hours
Couples, Family; Ethics |
Recorded Webinar |
Beyond the Blues: Understanding and Treating Prenatal and Postpartum Depression and Anxiety
5.5 CE credit hours
Clinical Topics & Methods; Couples, Family |
Book |
Improving Care to Prevent Suicide Among People With Serious Mental Illness 2019: Proceedings of a Workshop
4 CE credit hours
Clinical Topics & Methods; Suicide |
Reading-Based Online |
Drug, Brains, and Behavior: The Science of Addiction
1 CE credit hour
Addictions, Substance Use; Understanding Addiction; Prevention |
Reading-Based Online |
Psychological Advocacy Towards Healing (PATH): A Randomized Controlled Trial of a Psychological Intervention in a Domestic Violence Service Setting
1 CE credit hour
Domestic Violence |
Reading-Based Online |
When Intimate Partner Violence Meets Same Sex Couples: A Review of Same Sex Intimate Partner Violence
1.5 CE credit hour
Domestic Violence |
Reading-Based Online |