Applies To:
Addiction Counselors
Prevention Specialists
Peer Support Specialists
40 credit hours total, 15 maximum online. Our courses are approved by multiple IC&RC boards (i.e. CAADAC, MSAPCB). You will need to petition the board for approval when you submit your certificate.
Note Please contact IAODAPCA with any questions regarding the category that your course falls into.
CATEGORY I – Minimum 15 CEUs of education specific to alcohol and other drug abuse/dependency.
Examples – pharmacology, the effects of alcohol or drugs on the human body, signs and symptoms of use or abuse, dynamics of the addiction process, medical treatment issues, detoxification/withdrawal, relapse, AODA rules and regulations, AODA special populations, history of AODA.
CATEGORY II – Minimum 25 CEUs of education specific to knowledge and skills related to the Core Functions of AODA counselors (refer to Illinois for list of core functions), but does not have to be AODA specific. This education covers counselor skills, competencies, and knowledge base.
CSADCs and CAADCs – six (6) of the 25 Category II CEUs must be training received in how to provide clinical supervision.
Examples – theory/techniques of therapeutic approaches, human behavior/development, dysfunctional behavior, family dynamics, domestic violence, cultural issues, special populations, social services, confidentiality, legal systems, intervention/prevention strategies, social services, health/safety, professional relationship dynamics, crisis intervention.
Note: Our sister site, AddictionCounselorCE offers a wider selection of courses for addiction professionals in Illinois.Board Contact Info
Illinois Certification Board, Inc.
401 E Sangamon Avenue
Springfield, IL 62702
Certified Alcohol and Other Drug Counselor
Initial - 225 clock hours/CEUs; 100 hours – AOD Specific; 15 hours AOD Treatment Services for Women and/or their Families; 15ours AOD Treatment Services for Adolescents and/or their Families; 6 hours Professional Ethics and Responsibility; 10 hours Race and Equity; 109 hours Performance domains are defined as 1. Clinical Evaluation 2. Treatment Planning 3. Counseling 4. Case Management and Referral 5. Documentation 6. Client, Family and Community Education 7. Professional and Ethical Responsibilities
Initial Credential
225 CE credit hours required for initial credential.
Yes You can use for earning your CADC initial credential.
Any course accepted by IAODAPCA is applicable to the CADC credential.
Credential Renewal
40 CE credit hours required for renewal.
Yes You can use for renewing your CADC credential.
Any course accepted by IAODAPCA is applicable to the CADC credential.
Course Description | Medium |
Certified Problem and Compulsive Gambling Counselor
Initial - 30 Gambling Specific (You my also be required to take 220 credits in addiction depending on your current certification.) 6 hours of ethics.
Initial Credential
30 CE credit hours required for initial credential.
Yes You can use for earning your PCGC initial credential.
Any course accepted by IAODAPCA is applicable to the PCGC credential.
Credential Renewal
40 CE credit hours required for renewal.
Yes You can use for renewing your PCGC credential.
Any course accepted by IAODAPCA is applicable to the PCGC credential.
Course Description | Medium |
Certified Associate Addictions Professional
12 hours each renewal in Ethics/Boundaries
Credential Renewal
28 CE credit hours required for renewal.
Yes You can use for renewing your CAAP credential.
Any course accepted by IAODAPCA is applicable to the CAAP credential.
Course Description | Medium |
Certified Reciprocal Alcohol and Other Drug Counselor
Initial - 300 clock hours/CEUs; 160 hours – AOD Specific; 30 hours AOD Treatment Services for Women and/or their Families; 30 hours AOD Treatment Services for Adolescents and/or their Families; 6 hours Professional Ethics and Responsibility; 134 hours Performance domains are defined as: 1.Screening, Assessment, and Engagement 2. Treatment Planning, Collaboration, and Referral 3. Counseling 4. Ethical and Professional Responsibilities
Initial Credential
300 CE credit hours required for initial credential.
Yes You can use for earning your CRADC initial credential.
Any course accepted by IAODAPCA is applicable to the CRADC credential.
Credential Renewal
40 CE credit hours required for renewal.
Yes You can use for renewing your CRADC credential.
Any course accepted by IAODAPCA is applicable to the CRADC credential.
Course Description | Medium |
Certified Supervisor Alcohol and Other Drug Counselor
Initial - 350 clock hours/CEUs; 190 hours – AOD Specific; 45 hours AOD Treatment Services for Women and/or their Families; 45ours AOD Treatment Services for Adolescents and/or their Families; 6 hours Professional Ethics and Responsibility; 30 hours clinical supervision; 124 hours Performance domains are defined as: 1.Screening, Assessment, and Engagement 2. Treatment Planning, Collaboration, and Referral 3. Counseling 4. Ethical and Professional Responsibilities
Initial Credential
350 CE credit hours required for initial credential.
Yes You can use for earning your CSADC initial credential.
Any course accepted by IAODAPCA is applicable to the CSADC credential.
Credential Renewal
40 CE credit hours required for renewal.
Yes You can use for renewing your CSADC credential.
Any course accepted by IAODAPCA is applicable to the CSADC credential.
Course Description | Medium |
Certified Advanced Alcohol and Other Drug Counselor
Initial 180 hours; 180 hours – AOD Specific; 45 hours AOD Treatment Services for Women and/or their Families; 45 hours AOD Treatment Services for Adolescents and/or their Families; 6 hours Professional Ethics and Responsibility; Performance domains are 1.Screening, Assessment, and Engagement 2. Treatment Planning, Collaboration, and Referral 3. Counseling & Education 4. Ethical and Professional Responsibilities.
Initial Credential
180 CE credit hours required for initial credential.
Yes You can use for earning your CAADC initial credential.
Any course accepted by IAODAPCA is applicable to the CAADC credential.
Credential Renewal
40 CE credit hours required for renewal.
Yes You can use for renewing your CAADC credential.
Any course accepted by IAODAPCA is applicable to the CAADC credential.
Course Description | Medium |
Certified Prevention Specialist
Initial - 120 Hours; 24 hours ATOD Specific; 6 hours Prevention Specific Ethics; 90 hours Performance Domains Planning and Evaluation, Prevention Education and Service Delivery, Communication, Community Organization, Public and Environmental Change, Professional Growth and Responsibility
Initial Credential
120 CE credit hours required for initial credential.
Yes You can use for earning your CPS initial credential.
Any course accepted by IAODAPCA is applicable to the CPS credential.
Credential Renewal
40 CE credit hours required for renewal.
Yes You can use for renewing your CPS credential.
Any course accepted by IAODAPCA is applicable to the CPS credential.
Course Description | Medium |
Certified Senior Prevention Specialist
Initial - 150 Hours; 36 hours ATOD Specific; 6 hours Prevention Specific Ethics; 10 hours Planning and Evaluation; 98 hours Performance Domains Planning and Evaluation, Prevention Education and Service Delivery, Communication, Community Organization, Public and Environmental Change, Professional Growth and Responsibility
Initial Credential
150 CE credit hours required for initial credential.
Yes You can use for earning your CSPS initial credential.
Any course accepted by IAODAPCA is applicable to the CSPS credential.
Credential Renewal
40 CE credit hours required for renewal.
Yes You can use for renewing your CSPS credential.
Any course accepted by IAODAPCA is applicable to the CSPS credential.
Course Description | Medium |
Certified Recovery Support Specialist
Initial - 100 clock hours; 40 hours CRSS Specific; 6 hours Professional Ethics and Responsibility; 54 hours Core Functions- Advocacy, Professional Responsibility, Mentoring, Recovery Support
Initial Credential
100 CE credit hours required for initial credential.
Yes You can use for earning your CRSS initial credential.
Credential Renewal
40 CE credit hours required for renewal.
Yes You can use for renewing your CRSS credential. offers 10 courses applicable to this credential.
Here are a few examples, or you can view all 10 courses
Course Description | Medium |
Practical Guide for Implementing a Trauma-Informed Approach
1.5 CE credit hour
Clinical Topics & Methods; Peer Recovery; Counseling (Theory and Techniques); Application to Practice; Professional Readiness; Treatment Knowledge; Management, Administration |
Reading-Based Online |
Bulletins for Professionals: Human Trafficking and Child Welfare: A Guide for Child Welfare Agencies
1 CE credit hour
Clinical Topics & Methods; Forensic, Criminal Justice; Clinical Evaluation; Application to Practice; Professional Readiness; Prevention; Peer Recovery |
Reading-Based Online |
Substance and Behavioral Addictions Among American Indian and Alaska Native Populations
1.25 CE credit hour
Cultural & Racial Diversity; Cultural Diversity; Addictions, Substance Use; Application to Practice; Peer Recovery |
Reading-Based Online |
Boundary Issues and Dual Relationships in Behavioral Health: Ethics and Risk Management Challenges
3 CE credit hours
Ethics; Ethics; Peer Recovery |
Recorded Webinar |
Human Trafficking
3 CE credit hours
Sexual Abuse; Clinical Topics & Methods; Forensic, Criminal Justice; Application to Practice; Peer Recovery |
Recorded Webinar |
Certified Peer Recovery Support Specialist
Initial - 100 clock hours; total 40 hours CPRS Specific; 16 hours Professional Ethics and Responsibility; 44 hours Core Functions; (Must include 5 hours specific to family and 5 hours specific to youth); Performance Domains are Advocacy, Mentoring and Education, Recovery/Wellness, Support and Ethical Responsibility.
Initial Credential
100 CE credit hours required for initial credential.
Yes You can use for earning your CPRS initial credential.
Credential Renewal
30 CE credit hours required for renewal.
Yes You can use for renewing your CPRS credential. offers 10 courses applicable to this credential.
Here are a few examples, or you can view all 10 courses
Course Description | Medium |
Practical Guide for Implementing a Trauma-Informed Approach
1.5 CE credit hour
Clinical Topics & Methods; Peer Recovery; Counseling (Theory and Techniques); Application to Practice; Professional Readiness; Treatment Knowledge; Management, Administration |
Reading-Based Online |
Bulletins for Professionals: Human Trafficking and Child Welfare: A Guide for Child Welfare Agencies
1 CE credit hour
Clinical Topics & Methods; Forensic, Criminal Justice; Clinical Evaluation; Application to Practice; Professional Readiness; Prevention; Peer Recovery |
Reading-Based Online |
Substance and Behavioral Addictions Among American Indian and Alaska Native Populations
1.25 CE credit hour
Cultural & Racial Diversity; Cultural Diversity; Addictions, Substance Use; Application to Practice; Peer Recovery |
Reading-Based Online |
Boundary Issues and Dual Relationships in Behavioral Health: Ethics and Risk Management Challenges
3 CE credit hours
Ethics; Ethics; Peer Recovery |
Recorded Webinar |
Human Trafficking
3 CE credit hours
Sexual Abuse; Clinical Topics & Methods; Forensic, Criminal Justice; Application to Practice; Peer Recovery |
Recorded Webinar |
Sexual Harassment, 1.00 CE credit hour
We do not offer a course that meets this requirement.
We do not currently offer courses to fulfill this requirement.
Mandated Reporting, 1.00 CE credit hour
We do not offer a course that meets this requirement.
We do not currently offer courses to fulfill this requirement.
Course Description | Medium |
A Community Engaged Approach in Adapting Motivational Interviewing and Skills Training for Native Americans With Experiences of Substance Misuse
1 CE credit hour
Clinical Topics & Methods; Clinical Disorders (Adult); Cultural & Racial Diversity; Treatment Knowledge; Cultural Diversity; Application to Practice |
Reading-Based Online |
Application of Positive Psychology in Digital Interventions for Children, Adolescents, and Young Adults: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Controlled Trials
1.5 CE credit hour
Children and Adolescents; Clinical Topics & Methods; Technology and Counseling |
Reading-Based Online |
Ethical Challenges in Reporting Across the Lifespan: Child Abuse, Intimate Partner Violence and Elder Abuse
3 CE credit hours
Ethics; Domestic Violence; Ethics; Application to Practice; Family/Couple; Aging, Long Term Care; Professional Readiness |
Recorded Webinar |
Psychological Well-being and Cognitive Aging in Black, Native American, and White Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center Participants
1 CE credit hour
Clinical Topics & Methods; Cultural & Racial Diversity; Aging, Long Term Care |
Reading-Based Online |
Using Drama Therapy to Enhance Maternal Insightfulness and Reduce Children's Behavior Problems
1.25 CE credit hour
Children and Adolescents |
Reading-Based Online |
Pain Control With EMDR, Part 2: Research and Theory
11 CE credit hours
Clinical Topics & Methods; Clinical Disorders (Adult) |
Book |
Pain Control With EMDR, Part I: Research and Theory
5 CE credit hours
Clinical Topics & Methods; Clinical Disorders (Adult) |
Book |
Reasons for Suicide in Black Young Adults: A Latent Class Analysis
1.5 CE credit hour
Cultural Diversity; Suicide; Cultural & Racial Diversity; Application to Practice |
Reading-Based Online |
Effectiveness of Therapeutic Gardens for People With Dementia: A Systemic Review
2 CE credit hours
Clinical Topics & Methods; Aging, Long Term Care |
Reading-Based Online |
Clearing the Fog: Recognizing, Understanding, and Protecting Against Gaslighting
3 CE credit hours
Clinical Topics & Methods |
Recorded Webinar |