Showing 14 courses
Ethical Challenges in Reporting Across the Lifespan: Child Abuse, Intimate Partner Violence and Elder Abuse New 3 credits
Examining Contextual Influences on the Service Needs of Homeless and Unstably Housed Domestic Violence Survivors 1.25 credits
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Intimate Partner Violence and Structural Violence in the Lives of Incarcerated Women 1 credit
A Mixed-Method Study in Rural New Mexico
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Coping Strategies In Women And Children Living With Domestic Violence 1.5 credits
Staying Alive
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Update on Domestic Violence and Traumatic Brain Injury: 1 credit
A Narrative Review
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Is All Dating Violence Equal? 2.25 credits
Gender and severity differences in predictors of perpetration
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Improving the Mental Health of Women Intimate Partner Violence Survivors: 1.5 credits
Findings from a Realist Review of Psychsocial Interventions
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Alcohol-Focused Behavioral Couple Therapy 1.5 credits
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Intimate Partner Violence in the Golden Age-Systematic Review of Risk and Protective Factors 1.5 credits
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The Relationship Between Family Violence and Self-Control in Adolescence-A Multi-Level Meta-Analysis 1.75 credits
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