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Approval in Vermont

Office of Professional Regulation: Occupational Therapists CE Information

Applies To:

  • Vermont Occupational Therapists
    • OT
    • OTA

The Office of Professional Regulation, commonly known as “OPR,” is a division of the Office of the Secretary of State. OPR’s mission is to protect the public from incompetent or unethical practitioners through a system of licensure. The Office achieves this by supporting boards and advisor groups that oversee licensure of 50 professions (such as architects and tattooists) and approximately 80,000 licensees.

A total of 20 hours of continuing education per two year renewal period shall be earned by licensed occupational therapists and occupational therapy assistants. If a license has been held for one year or less, no continuing competence is required. If held mare than one year but less than two years, ten hours is required.

To be accepted by the Director, activities must be related to a licensee’s current or anticipated roles and responsibilities in occupational therapy and must directly or indirectly serve to protect the public by enhancing the licensee’s continuing education. Subject matter for qualified activities include research; theoretical or practical content related to the practice of occupational therapy; or the development, administration, supervision, and teaching of clinical practice or service delivery programs by occupational therapists or occupational therapy assistants.

Licensees shall maintain the required proof of completion for each continuing competence activity as specified in these rules. The required documentation shall be maintained for a minimum of two years following the last day of the renewal period for which the continuing competency activities were earned. Licensees should not send their continuing competency activity documentation to the Office unless audited or otherwise requested to do so.

Board Contact Info

Office of Professional Regulation (OPR)
89 Main Street
Montpelier, VT 05602
Contact Form:

Select the relevant credential above for detailed info.

Occupational Therapist

Credential Renewal

20 CE credit hours required for renewal.

Yes You can use for renewing your OT credential. does not currently offer any courses applicable to this credential.

Occupational Therapy Assistant

Credential Renewal

20 CE credit hours required for renewal.

Yes You can use for renewing your OTA credential. does not currently offer any courses applicable to this credential.

View More Courses Currently 595 of our courses are available for Occupational Therapists regulated by Office of Professional Regulation: Occupational Therapists. These are just a few examples!

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We do our best keep our information current, but rules and regulations sometimes change without notice. Please remember it is ultimately your own responsibility for interpreting your state's laws, board rules, course relevancy and all requirements for your state.

If you are aware of a change in your requirements that is not shown here, please let us know!

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